Golden Doodle basking in the sun on a white bed

When it comes to our furry companions, their health and well-being are paramount. For many dogs, sensitivities and allergies can lead to discomfort, skin issues, digestive problems, and overall reduced quality of life. Fortunately, the solution might lie in their food bowl. Fresh food diets for dogs have gained popularity, not just for their palatability but also for their potential to alleviate sensitivities and allergies. In this blog post, we’ll explore how fresh food can be a game-changer for dogs struggling with these issues.

Understanding Sensitivities and Allergies in Dogs:

Before delving into the benefits of fresh food, it’s crucial to understand the difference between sensitivities and allergies in dogs. Sensitivities often manifest as digestive issues, whereas allergies can lead to skin problems, itching, and even respiratory troubles. Identifying the specific triggers can be challenging, but diet plays a significant role in managing these conditions.

The Problem with Processed Dog Food:

Many commercially available dog foods contain additives, artificial flavours, preservatives, and fillers that can trigger sensitivities and allergies in dogs. Moreover, some dogs may have difficultly digesting grains, soy, or certain proteins commonly found in commercial kibble. These ingredients can exacerbate their health issues.

Benefits of Fresh Food for Dogs:


1. Limited Ingredients: Fresh food diets often consist of whole foods like lean meats, vegetables, and fruits. These simple, recognizable ingredients minimize the likelihood of triggering allergic reactions or sensitivities.


2. High Nutritional Value: Fresh food provides essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for their natural form, which can support a dog’s overall health and strengthen their immune system.


3. Improved Digestion: Dogs with sensitivities often struggle with digestion. Fresh food diets are easier to digest, reducing the strain on their digestive system and potentially alleviating digestive issues.


4. Reduced Artificial Additives: By eliminating artificial additives and preservatives commonly found in processed dog food, fresh diets decrease the risk of allergic reactions triggered by these compounds.

Transition to a Fresh Food Diet For your Dog:

Transitioning your dog to a fresh food diet should be done gradually to prevent digestive upset. Start by introducing small portions of fresh food mixed with their regular diet, then gradually increase the proportions of fresh food over a week or two.

We have a step-by-step guide on how to transition your dog to fresh food here for you to explore.

For dogs dealing with sensitivities and allergies, a switch to fresh food diet can make a world of difference. By providing wholesome, natural ingredients, pet owners can potentially alleviate their furry friend’s discomfort and support their overall health. Remember every dog is unique, so consulting a vet and observing your pet’s response during the transition is key to ensuring their well-being.



 By Dog Standards 

Dog Standards delivers fresh, pre-portioned, and ready-to-serve pet food straight to your door. Healthy feeding has never been easier. Get started today at Dog Standards.